Friday, April 28, 2006

My College Life

First day in college, I came on 11.30 only, so instead of going to class room I am shift to mess and take heavy lunch. After that only searching for class room, finally I got the class room (RM004), then entered into the class room with some fear because I don't know any one on that time and search where I have to sit but all benches are filled, so I go to sit in the first row, then Mam (Vijaya Kumari) continues to take the class. After 10 min. bell was ranged, all students are go out I don’t know why they are go out? So I asked one guy, he told that it is our lunch time da, but I had my lunch 10 minutes before only, so I sit in the class itself. After that I came to college and sit in the class, when the time is 3.10 then I go to my home. In the mean time, I speak very less only.

Before speaking, I think whether my words are affected others or not, then only I speak because that is my character, so that I speak very less in 2nd & 3rd year. And I have another problem that I don’t know the English very well and lack of communication skill because I studied in Government School.

Sixth Semester onwards, I speak freely with (Ambethkar,Sathis,Baskar,Vinoth & Karthik) because I know them very well and commenting them Continuously. One day Ambethkar ask that "In 3rd, 4th and 5th semester you are very silent in class but now you speak more". I told that "You know me very well, so I can speak freely with you. But in 3rd semester, I don’t know anything about you. If I comment you on 3rd semester means definitely you hit me”, that’s why I am not able to talk with you on that time.

April 12th, Wipro is the First company conduct Campus interview for our batch. We are all attending the interview with lots of dreams, but only few of their dreams only come true. In that my dreams are crushed in first round itself, so I got upset.

June 1st Caritor conduct the Campus, in that interview also I m not qualified for second round.

July 9th and 10th, TCS conduct the Campus Interview and in the final list my name is present it means that I am selected. First of all I thank to my parents and all my friends because without their help, I can’t place in TCS. Especially Kesavan, he only encourages me on that time.

Last 3 months of my college life I never forget because in that time only I enjoyed very much with my friends and learn many things that are needed for my career. In that short time only, I faced many problems…..not only mine my friends also faced many problems……But in that time only, I spoke freely with my friends especially (Kesavan, Santosh, Balakrishnan, Dinesh, Kishore …) and Juniors (we treated them as friend). I m always wants to see smiles from my friend’s face and I m never get serious. My friends (Kesavan,Santosh) only encourages me to write the blog and I never forget them .

I never forget this moment, because this is my first blog. I know that it contains many grammar mistakes, so kindly write your comments then only I can correct myself.